
Expert insight and updates on the news and events that matter..

June 15, 2020

CEO and Co-Initiator of “”, Jan Kallmorgen, interviewed on German fiscal stimulus package

The German government wants to support the German economy with up to 130 billion euros following the impact of the Corona crisis.  In an interview with “Unternehmer-Magazin Ditigal” BGA-CEO and co-founder of the non-profit initiative “”, Jan Kallmorgen, considers the economic stimulus package to be a “strong impetus overall, especially for future technologies in Germany”. […]

June 8, 2020

Ben Hodges interviewed on potential US withdrawal of troops from Germany

In an interview with Der Tagesspiegel BGA-Advisor Ben Hodges criticized the plan of the US administration to withdraw military troops from Germany. He castigated the decision of Donald Trump’s core team at the White House as a “purely political maneuver” and stated that no one in the administration had previously sought military advice on what […]

May 5, 2020

Rudolf Adam writes in Cicero magazine: “The fight against Corona is not a war”

The world is fighting an invisible enemy. The corona virus is bringing the economy to its knees and revealing smouldering fires in politics and society. But the crisis is also a catalyst for a structural change that may be overdue. Overcoming the crisis will require unusual efforts. An even greater challenge is to come to […]

April 17, 2020

Eberhard Sandschneider analyses China’s self-image during COVID-19 and implications for the global order

China is not abandoning its ambitions for global leadership during the Corona pandemic says BGA-Partner Eberhard Sandschneider in an interview with Deutschlandfunk. The underlying trend of decoupling between the economic systems of the United States and China is accelerating during the current global health crisis leaving Europe caught in the middle and traditional transatlantic belief […]