
104 posts

Expert insight and updates on the news and events that matter.

Books by BGA Partners

Das geopolitische Risiko : Unternehmen in der neuen Weltordnung

Das geopolitische Risiko: Unternehmen in der neuen Weltordnung

Ein Leben in der Politik : Betrachtungen eines Diplomaten

Ein Leben in der Politik: Betrachtungen eines Diplomaten

Zeitenwende : Putins Krieg und die Folgen

Zeitenwende: Putins Krieg und die Folgen

Welt im Umbruch : was kommt nach dem Krieg?

Welt im Umbruch: was kommt nach dem Krieg?

November 11, 2020

“Biden is a return to multilateralism” says Berlin Global Advisors Partner Rüdiger von Fritsch

With Joe Biden becoming new US-President, Rüdiger von Fritsch adresses the following questions in an interview with ZDF: What does the election of Joe Biden mean for cooperation with Germany? And what is the impact on the relationsship between the US. and Russia? Click here

October 29, 2020

China Update: The 14th Five-Year Plan and its implications on the German industry

The 14th Five-Year Plan indicates that Beijing feels compelled to make the country economically, technologically and financially more independent and self-sufficient. At its core is the striving for greater independence and fewer international risks, a reduction of the vulnerability of relevant supply chains and securing strategic resources.

October 26, 2020

Eberhard Sandschneider interviewed on the CAI negotiations between the EU and China

European and particularly German companies are counting on an early Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) with China. Not least because of the trade conflict with the US., Beijing also has a strong interest in deepening economic cooperation with the EU. Click here

September 17, 2020

Departing the EU – destination unknown? Implications of Brexit

On 31 January 2020 the United Kingdom left the European Union, losing vote and voice. It was a legal departure. Until the end of 2020 the UK will be treated as a member in economic and financial aspects. The critical date is not 31 January, but 31 December 2020